Saturday, July 4, 2009

365 Project - Day EIGHTY THREE

This is Eddie Ray - Beach dog. He looks semi-clean here, but there were times when Eddie was all one color - sand. He had a blast chasing the ball in the surf and down the beach. I wanted to gag every time I thought of the mouthfuls of salt water Eddie kept taking in.

Earlier in the day, it was less sunny. I took this picture of this life boat that washed up on shore in 2000. I confused my Grandma because she was sitting behind me and thought I was taking a picture of 'someone', but she couldn't see anyone. Oh, and I love the editing in Photoshop that this picture was 'oldified' with...yep, that's a photography term. Oldified.

As you can see (maybe), we were sitting upwind from the fireworks. So the previously stunning fireworks' smoke hindered the presentation of the next set of stunning fireworks. Also, we were in the fallout zone and were pelted with pieces of ash and firework particulate that we couldn't see. But, they were pretty.

1 comment:

Kaycee said...

Ah yes, fireworks on the beach. They suck from every angle.

Grandma went? That's funny about "someone". You should have just said it was someone invisible.