A stick in the water? Possibly...to your average Joe.
But for me, this is a victory stick. I just noticed today, that the elderberry branch I hurriedly cut off on the way out of Cape Disappointment State Park, sprouted a root. I've been waiting for this vision of growth since July 5th. You can see in the background the dried berries that I'm not sure what to do with. Can I plant those too?
This is my second attempt at trying to root trees off of branch cuttings. The first one was a Curly Willow that I took from my sister's house. The roots grew fabulously. Now that they're in a pot with some potting soil, I can safely say we're on our way to having our very own Curly Willow tree. It has to spend some more time in its potting soil home though.
Let's hope we can say the same for this Red Elderberry...
1 comment:
That is so cool! Do you use rooting hormone and stuff, or just soak them in water? jealous!
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