Thursday, July 16, 2009

365 Project - Day NINETY ONE

Today, the kids and I joined Kelby for a walk on the Orting Trail. I'm not sure if that's its official name, but that's what we call it. It's a paved trail that goes through Orting. The picture above is the kids standing on a giant rock in front of the Carbon River, which was a cool shade of green that didn't translate through the camera.

Normally, this is a trip that my kids and Kelby take together. They have done it numerous times and it's a special occasion to go with Kelby. She lets them linger at the skate park and takes them to the park and McDonalds after their walk/ride. Today we pondered trading children, but Kelby thought she might take all three kids. She was graciously going to take mine to give me a break, but I didn't really have anything to do that would take up my time away from them, so I invited myself.

Remy, however, wasn't impressed with the walk. She let the whole world know about it too. She was pretty upset, we weren't sure why, but decided to turn around and let her cry it out on the way back. When we reached the skate park, we looked at her and thought she might be having an allergic reaction to something. I told Kelby that, personally, I would take her to the walk-in clinic at the pediatrician's office just to make sure she wasn't having an allergy to something. This decision to go there changed the plans for the kids. No biggie.

Like clockwork, when Kelby got to the pediatrician's office, Remy's face was miraculously cleared-up and she looked like her usual self. Kelb made the decision to have her checked out anyway and they gave Remy some Benadryl (just in case) and thought she would be ok. Their prognosis was that maybe she got some sunscreen in her eyes and they gave Kelby a few recommendations for gentle sunscreen. I'm glad she's ok!

Then, after much trial and tribulations, Mazie's room got clean. She made the effort to work on it and then I went in and helped her with the rest. We then went to see Ice Age 3 at the drive-in tonight with Donna, Brandon, Annie, Corey, Hannah and Audrey. Cute movie!

1 comment:

Kaycee said...

That picture of Remy should have a graphic content warning. It's almost too terrible to see. poor baby. I'm glad she's okay, too.