Sunday, July 19, 2009

365 Project - Day NINETY FIVE

I hate yard work. I really do.

But, I have some hollyhock seeds, poppy seeds and some lupine that I would like to plant. This side of the house seemed to be the only logical place. Three hours before this pic was taken (why with my cell phone when I was at home? I have no clue...maybe I was just hot), this section of my yard was full of weeds, sod and irises (irii?). I got all that cleaned out and edged the grass to fit the concrete border, which was pulled out of another section of yard that we didn't need them in anymore.

Mission accomplished. Tomorrow's mission - plant the seeds.

Oh, and on the way home, I spotted this truck:

Coincidentally, Jason and I have a friend from waaaay back in the Army days named Dan Erb. We've recently reconnected with Erb through Facebook and I thought it was pretty funny that I saw this here truck on the way home from Kelby's house. How's that for lightning quick cell phone camera skillz?

1 comment:

Kaycee said...

nice looking flower bed, why did you pull out the iris? It's one of my favorite flowers. Sounds like you will have beautiful flowers for cutting.