Sunday, May 31, 2009

365 Project - Day FIFTY FIVE

Today, I bribed the kids into cleaning their rooms by promising a trip to the drive-in to watch Night at the Museum 2. Jack was able to do a semi-decent job within 90 minutes and some goading. Mazie, on the other hand, needed 4 hours to do pretty much nothing. She was able to put her dress up clothes in the place they go and she formed some impressive doodles on her 'to do' list. I think it's more work for me to keep imploring her to 'finish up' or 'get your ass back in there' or 'just start with the stuffed animals' or 'if the stuffed animals are too much, put the dirty clothes in the basket' than it would be to just do the shit myself. I'm all about teaching some respect for your things. Mazie, she's a little sociopathic this way; she just doesn't give a shit.

Anyway, the drive-in is always fun and since I've become a parent, I just can't stay for the second movie. My kids watch 85% of the movie and spend the other 15% going to the bathroom and eating as much candy as possible.

The movie was good with a story line similar to the first version of this movie. It's fun seeing the historic figures portrayed. Amy Adams is a superbly sassy Amelia Earhart...

1 comment:

Kaycee said...

I like that picture. I had a pretty good laugh about Mazie, Madison and I are exactly the same way... down to the list!
hee hee maybe I will threaten to take a picture of Madison's room and put it on the internet. I wonder if she'd care.