Today was the day that's been dreaded all year. Unbelievable that it was one year ago that Brian was taken from us. The same question lingers; why? I'll never know the reason, but I'll always know it's not fair. It's not fair for everyone involved, but especially my sister. She didn't deserve this and I'll never know what it's like to live in her sorrow. She's spent this past year in the most pain of her life and I don't think it's fair that she has to endure that. I guess, now that Remy is here and growing up so fast, that I'm mostly sad for her now. She'll never experience what a great guy he was, only what we tell her, pictures we show her, stories relayed to her. The one thing that I feel lucky about is that she's 50% Brian. And if that's all we can get now, then I'll take it and I'll relish it.
Also today, we celebrated Audrey's 5th birthday at her grandpa's beach property in Lakebay, in the Key Peninsula. My kids were able to go out in the morning with my Aunt Kathy (Audrey's grandma) and we joined them later. When we arrived, Mazie was busy swimming in her jeans and a fleece. The tide was in, so the kids were able to swing out over the water on the rope swing. They had a blast and it was difficult to implore them to leave. Hopefully we'll be invited back and I'll be more prepared with the appropriate swimming attire...