Tuesday, August 11, 2009


My Grandma Kay celebrated her 89th birthday with us at Lake Cushman. While she was quite worried about the status of her hair, I think she looks fab for 89. Still a firecracker and highly opinionated, she didn't adhere to the guidelines of 'Couth at Any Age' and had us raising our eyebrows frequently.

Here she is reading 'I Wish That I Had Duck Feet' to little Remy. This is the book she's read to every grandchild with a fervor that I'm sure the author never intended. I love to hear my grandma read this book and it brings back a gazillion memories when she cracks that opening line, "I wish that I had duck feet...and I can tell ya why..."

1 comment:

Kaycee said...

When I saw this picture, I applauded.
I love that book, and I love that lady.
Is "couth at any age" a real book?