Thursday, April 9, 2009

365 Project - Day E I G H T

Ok, so every day can't be a super-awesome quality picture. But the subject matter can be super-awesome at any time.

Take for instance one Miss Remy. She looks great in any picture and extra cute when surrounded by Easter eggs and trying to sit up like a big girl.

For those who don't know - she's advanced. I'm just saying...

Today, we stuffed roughly 1100 Easter eggs with enough sugar products to pack a cargo plane. AND we have candy left over. This is for the event happening on Saturday, rain or shine...

And who's the star of the show? Well, one can only guess.


Kaycee said...

You can totally tell that she is advanced. I bet she is doing Algebra in her head.

Unknown said...

She's really good at algorithms too.

M said...

She would get along well with Dan. He's a math nut too.

xo M