Saturday, April 11, 2009

365 Project - Day T E N

Well, tonight was the egg hunt. The Flashlight Easter Egg hunt. Did I get any pictures of festive kids with their hopeful faces, flashlights and easter buckets? Nope. I was busy greeting guests, telling said guests about how they were connected to us, them or anyone else there, filling in people on the latest gossip, telling people where to put food, waving cars down to park, stepping on eggs and looking for where I put my Diet Coke again.

My daughter was on PINS AND NEEDLES waiting for her classmate, James, to get there (which is also Mazie's middle name and she thinks it's cool that her and James have the same name). At 3:30 she started asking me how far away James lived. Since I knew he wouldn't be there until 7:30ish, I told her that he lived 4 hours away. Conversations went on like these until 7:30 and James still hadn't arrived. So, Mazie begged me to call his mom. I called his mom and luckily they had a 5 minute ETA. For the hour prior to their arrival, Mazie impatiently waited by the side of the road looking for the white Acura that is James' mother's car. There were several impostors that arrived, a Buick, a Honda, a Chevrolet (all white) and then, just as Mazie was about to give up, James arrived. Mazie did what every demure kindergartener with a crush on her classmate does...she went and tackled James with a giant hug. James is about as big as Mazie is, so it was a pretty even match. She was blissful, James was blissful and the world was right again.

*by the way, not my favorite pic of Mazie. She has chocolate smooshed in her teeth and she kinda looks like a character from How the Grinch Stole Christmas - but I had to get the picture of her time waiting for James *


Kaycee said...

So, you don't hug-tackle Jason everytime he comes home from work?

Unknown said...

wouldn't even dream of it... :)

M said...

So super sweet. Hope you had a great time. Hope you found that spot for the diet coke.

xo M