Thursday, April 16, 2009

365 Project - Day FOURTEEN

So, I missed blogging yesterday.

Shame on me. I think in the realm of projects I've started, the follow through on this one is going pretty well. There's no way in hell I could sew for 14 days or knit for 14 days, but this is doable for me.

So now, I will write my yesterday's blog as if it was actually yesterday:

Today, I made this cute little useless pouch from a pattern purchased at I heart etsy with a passion and found a pattern for a purse that I've been looking for. The seller was having a special, two patterns for $10, and the purse pattern was $10, so this little pouch pattern was like a freebie.

I'm shocked at myself. I actually printed the pattern, cut the pieces and completed the pouch all in the same day. I made it with fabric that I had stashed, so I didn't need to actually go buy some fabric for it. I also had the vintage button and robbed Mazie of her ponytail holder stash, so it all worked out well.

Now what to put in it?


Kaycee said...

Put this in your pouch: HOLY CRAP THAT'S AWESOME!

M said...
