Wednesday, April 8, 2009

365 Project - Day S E V E N

My friend Tina, who grew up across the street from me, is here from Maryland visiting her parents. Her parents recently completed construction on their dream home and now live 2.5 hours away in Ocean Shores. Well, Tina is only here briefly and since the kids are on Spring Break, we decided we would go visit Tina and her two girls and see her mom and dad's dream/retirement home. Of course it's beautiful...and expansive...and every thing is NEW. Every surface that my children could possibly touch is NEW. And several other children were visiting along with their parents. So, since the house is EXPANSIVE and EXPENSIVE, it's quite stressful to corral kids who are used to mediocre living...

On the other hand, the beach was fun. You know you're visiting the Washington coast in April when you arrive armed with fleece for the kids, a down vest for the mom and sunglasses. And just as expected, it was cloudy and windy with a chance of cold drizzle. The weather did not disappoint and therefore made my hair into something Richard Simmons would be envious of.

Photo, by the way, taken with the timer...first time I tried that!


Kaycee said...

yay, a picture of you!

M said...

I like the beach photo. Very nice.

I also like the new header. Very cheerful.

xo M